Monday, 23 June 2014

Smoothie Obession

The last couple of weeks I've been finding myself not feeling very hungry and so to make sure I am eating during the day, I have a smoothie.

Mangos are so cheap at the supermarkets right now and they always have cheap ripe bananas.

I've found my favourite mix is 1 mango, 2-3 bananas and about 1-1 1/2 cup of frozen berries, topped off with water.

I end up making about a litre to a litre and half of smoothie and  I will drink it over a few hours. 

I never really used to be into smoothies. I'd have one very so often from Tank, but that's about it. Since starting to make my own I've really enjoyed making different fruit mixtures to find my favourite.  
If I'm honest though, I hope my appetite comes back soon, I miss cooking all the time.

Anyway, I hope you are all having a good week.

Au revoir my lovelies.

Rachael xxx

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